Archive for the 'Satwa' Category


Top 25 Most Endangered Primates


Primates are among the most persecuted of tropical species  relentlessly hunted for their meat and fur, bodies broken for dubious medicines, shot for stealing crops in fields which were once their home. All the forests of the world cannot sate the sum of human hunger: they are cut and burned, day and night, and the remnants of their grandeur will not long survive without our intervention.

Thus no primate is entirely free from danger; but the few highlighted in this report are those whose very existence is in doubt. Each one named here is almost lost � each an entire race of beings, now reduced to a tattered remnant: two or three dozen in the worst of cases, a mere few hundred for the rest.

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Anjing Terjelek di Dunia Gigi menonjol di bagian bawah, muka cemberut dan telinga terlihat lemas adalah ciri khas sang juara. Ya, Pabst, nama anjing itu menjadi juara dunia dalam kontes Anjing Terjelek di Dunia.
Pabst, sejenis anjing buldog campuran asal California, memenangkan kontes tahunan itu di Sonoma-Marin Fair di Northern California, Jumat(26/6).
Ini adalah kemenangan luar biasa bagi Pabst yang kini berusia empat tahun. Karena, ia mengalahkan mantan juara Rascal, anjing berjambul keturunan China. Pemilik Pabst mendapatkan hadiah uang 1.600 dollar AS (sekitar Rp 16 juta), pasokan makanan ternak dan kontrak modeling dengan Rumah Anjing. (


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